Did you ever dream of being a superhero as a kid? Here’s your chance to fulfil your dreams. Our Keyholding team is made up of superhero Key Guards who ride rapid response motorbikes to help people and businesses with their everyday security needs.
Behind every good superhero, there’s usually a team of people providing everyday support to ensure that high standards are maintained. So, whether you fancy yourself as batman or prefer to be Alfred – we have the perfect range of opportunities for you.
Working for Banham means you are part of a security ecosystem dedicated to supporting clients and acting as custodians for their homes and businesses in times of need. Having this responsibility is highly rewarding, particularly here at keyholding as we are normally called upon when customers are not able to be there when things go wrong. I have been present at floods, fires and break-ins, working to resolve any issues we encounter and provide a high level of customer care. It’s quite natural to go above and beyond in these situations and the gratitude from clients makes it all worthwhile.